9 Benefits of Using Chore Charts for Kids

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Are you looking for a way to help your kids learn responsibility and independence? Check out these nine benefits of using chore charts!

You’re probably like most other parents out there…

You want your kids to be responsible and help out around the house. But sometimes it can be hard to get them to do their chores.

One way to make it easier is to use chore charts. Especially when first introducing chores to younger kids.

Chore charts are a great way to teach kids about responsibility and how doing chores can help the family as a whole.

In this post, I’m going to cover the benefits of using chore charts for kids and how they can help your family!

Ready to get dive in?

Brother and sister wiping down the counter with cleaning supplies. Text says: 9 Benefits of Using Chore Charts for Kids

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What Are the Benefits of Chores?

Before we go diving into the benefits of using chore charts for kids, let’s talk about the benefits of having your child do chores in the first place.

According to the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, there are a lot of benefits to adding chores into your child’s routine at early as 3. Here are just a few:

  • Learning time management skills
  • Developing organizational skills
  • Accepting responsibility in the family
  • Providing an opportunity for success (especially for a child struggling in other ways)
  • Building self-esteem
  • Learning to balance work and play from a young age
  • Setting a good foundation for functioning independently

Having children do chores is about more than just making them do work. It helps build a lot of important skills and traits that will help them as adults.

FREE Printable Chore Chart for Kids
Looking for a fun way to help your kids learn about responsibility? Grab your free copy of this printable chore chart! This fun chart features adorable pictures of different tasks, such as making the bed and putting away toys. Plus, it’s easy to customize according to your child’s individual needs. 
Thank you for subscribing!

In my own family

Although I had chores growing up, I didn’t really appreciate how much they taught me until I became a parent and had to be responsible for teaching my own children these important skills.

Not only have I seen all the above-mentioned benefits of having my child do chores, but it’s also taught them the value of keeping things clean and neat and how to contribute to the family “community.”

By helping out around the house, my children learn how to one day take care of their own homes. And how much nicer it is to live in a place that’s taken care of.

Plus, they learn how to contribute to our family as a whole. This is an important skill that they’ll later use to contribute at work, in their own families and in the community around them.

Pink flower chore chart

Benefits of Using Chore Charts

Most people will agree that doing chores is good for kids. But how do you actually get your children on board with the idea?

That’s where chore charts come in! They make the whole process of teaching your child to do chores waaay easier. Especially when your kids are young.

Let’s talk about the benefits of using chore charts.

Why is a chore chart important for a preschooler’s development?

Chore charts can be important in a preschooler’s development because that’s the age where they start to develop a stronger sense of independence. They’re old enough to start taking some responsibility and control of the things in their environment.

Using chore charts helps them take those first steps into personal responsibility and independence while still being guided by you, the parent.

Keeps things organized for the parents

The number one reason I love using chore charts with kids is that it makes things so much easier on the mom. Rather than having to keep a mental list of what your child needs to do every day and whether or not they’ve actually done it, everyone can just refer to the chart.

This becomes extra helpful when you have more than one child. With 3 kids, some days I’m lucky to remember my own name. 😂

It’s nice not having to remember who needs to do what chore today and whether or not it’s actually been done.

Dinosaur weekly chore chart with chores listed and pictures next to each chore.
Customizable Weekly Chore Chart

Teaches independence

Another nice benefit of using chore charts is that it helps teach your child independence. They can check their chore chart, complete their chores, and mark them off the chart all without your help.

You, of course, still have control over what goes on the chore chart and how it’s done, but they get to do a lot of the work on their own.

Helps children celebrate their accomplishments

Using a chore chart also helps children celebrate their accomplishments. When they get to mark it off for completing a task, it’s written proof of a job well done.

This can help build a sense of pride and achievement, even with something as simple as chores.

Teaches responsibility

One of the benefits of using chore charts that a lot of parents see pretty quickly is that it teaches responsibility. A chore chart helps list out what your child is responsible for taking care of.

They know what’s expected of them every day and that it’s their job to get it done.

Blue truck chore chart for kids

Create a sense of family unity

Chore charts can also create a sense of family unity. They show your child how they fit into the bigger picture of the family dynamic.

That as well as taking care of themselves, they need to take care of their responsibilities to contribute to the home environment as a whole.

This works really well if other members of the family have a visible chore chart as well.

Makes chores more fun

Another one of the great benefits of using chore charts is that they make chores more fun. Getting to put a sticker or stamp on your chart after you complete the chore is a bit more exciting than just having to move on to the next thing.

It also gives you and your child a chance to really celebrate their hard work. My kids love to pick out fun stickers for their charts or use fancy markers to color them in.

It definitely adds a bit more excitement to an otherwise boring chore.

Works great for younger kids

Chore charts are also a great tool for younger kids, especially preschoolers. They’re just starting to learn how to do household chores and even basic tasks like getting dressed on their own can be enough of a struggle some days.

Allowing them to check off items from their chart whenever they complete something is really motivating for little ones.

Purple fairy chore chart for kids
Fairy Weekly Chore Chart

Teaches a balance of work and play

Another benefit of using chore charts is that it teaches a balance between work and play. It shows your child that as well as playing and having fun, they need to complete their chores as well.

It’s also helpful in teaching them how to get all those things done so they can still fit in some fun time for themselves.

Teaches pre-reading skills for younger children

Finally, one of the benefits of using chore charts is that it helps teach pre-reading skills to younger kids. As they look at their charts and practice “reading” them they are learning important literacy skills.

Even if they can’t make out what the words say, “reading” the pictures, seeing the words under them regularly, and practicing the left to right order of text are all helpful skills that will benefit them when they learn to read.

FREE Printable Chore Chart for Kids
Looking for a fun way to help your kids learn about responsibility? Grab your free copy of this printable chore chart! This fun chart features adorable pictures of different tasks, such as making the bed and putting away toys. Plus, it’s easy to customize according to your child’s individual needs. 
Thank you for subscribing!

Why Children Resist Doing Chores

One of the biggest benefits of using chore charts with kids is that it makes doing chores a lot more fun for kids, because, no surprise, most kids don’t like doing chores.

The transition from being able to play and do what you want to doing chores can be a hard one for some children. Especially the older you get.

One reason children often resist doing chores is that they see it as a punishment. Instead of being something important and helpful, like it is for adults, chores are just another thing that they have to do because mom and dad said so.

Another reason kids might not want to do chores is that they don’t see the benefits of doing them.

They don’t understand how it can help them in their own lives and that if they get all their chores done, then they will have more time to play, watch TV, or have fun.

Finally, kids often resist chores because they’re just plain hard. Picking up all those toys for the hundredth time, folding all the laundry, or scrubbing the dishes can seem like a daunting task.

Especially when it has to be completed a certain way to be considered “done.”

But with a chore chart in place, kids have something to look forward to. They know that when they finish their chores, they get to put a sticker on their chart.

And with some patience, consistency, and a little bit of creativity from you, your kids will be more than happy to do all those chores before they can play or watch TV later.

Star chore chart for the week with chores listed and pictures of each chore.

Age-Appropriate Chores

Here is a quick list of some age-appropriate chores for kids:

2 to 3-Year-olds

  • Putting toys away
  • Helping make the bed
  • Picking up clothes off the floor
  • Feeding pets
  • Watering plants
  • Put away clothes in drawers/closet
  • Help set table
  • Empty small garbage cans/put garbage in the big garbage can

4 to 5-Year-olds

Everything listed above plus: 

  • Empty the dishwasher
  • Pack bag for school
  • Help sort laundry
  • Wipe kitchen countertops and sinks
  • Make bed by themselves
  • Take dirty clothes to the laundry
  • Wipe off table
  • Bring in the mail
Family chore chart - turquoise

6 to 7-Year-olds

Everything listed above plus: 

  • Put laundry away
  • Sweep floors
  • Vacuum
  • Pack their own lunch
  • Weed and rake leaves
  • Put away groceries

7 to 9-Year-Olds

Everything listed above plus: 

  • Help with meal preparation
  • Wash the dishes
  • Help younger siblings
  • Take out the trash and recycling
  • Take a pet for a walk
  • Fold laundry
  • Clean bathroom
  • Wash windows
FREE Printable Chore Chart for Kids
Looking for a fun way to help your kids learn about responsibility? Grab your free copy of this printable chore chart! This fun chart features adorable pictures of different tasks, such as making the bed and putting away toys. Plus, it’s easy to customize according to your child’s individual needs. 
Thank you for subscribing!

Tips for Introducing Chores to Your Child

If your children are new to doing chores, here are some tips from the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry to help the transition go more smoothly.

Set clear and reasonable expectations

The first thing you need to do is set clear and reasonable expectations. Let your child know exactly what needs to be done. For example, “please take out the trash from the kitchen after breakfast.”

The more clear you are, the better they’ll be able to complete the tasks.

Establish regular routines

Another important tip is to establish regular routines. The more doing chores is a part of their regular day, the easier it is for them to get used to doing them.

For example, “Clean up before dinner.”

Family chore chart - blue

Be consistent

As with everything with children, consistency is super important. Changing rules and expectations can create confusion and frustration.

So make sure you stick with the same chores and routine for several weeks before you decide to make some changes.

Focus on small, manageable tasks

When children first start doing chores, it can be a lot. It might feel a bit overwhelming to have a lot of big chores to do.

That’s why it helps to focus on small, jobs. You can break bigger chores down into separate chores.

For example, instead of just saying “clean your room,” you can break the chore down into pick up all the toys, put the dirty clothes in the hamper, put the books on the shelf, etc.

Once they get used to doing chores, you can start increasing the number of chores they do. Just be sure to keep it reasonable for their age and developmental level.

Set specific goals

Setting specific goals helps motivate children to complete their chores. For example, “When you clean up the blocks in your room, we can go outside and play.”

Make it fun and make sure the reward is something they will genuinely look forward to doing.

Family chore chart - pink

Be a good role model

It also really helps to lead by example when teaching your children to do chores. Children will more easily learn to pick things up and keep their rooms neat if they see others in the family doing the same.

Give lots of positive feedback

One of the most important things to do when first introducing your child to do doing chores is giving lots of positive feedback and reinforcement. Make sure you join in a child’s pride when a chore is done.

A sticker is nice, but knowing that you are proud of them is going to go a long way toward helping them see doing chores as a good thing.

Be patient

Another good tip for introducing chores to children is to remember that it takes time to develop good habits and learn how to do chores well. Even if your child can’t do things perfectly right away, don’t be discouraged.

Keep reinforcing the positive behavior and in a few weeks, you’ll see some real progress.

Pick your battles

Last but not least, be sure to pick your battles. If your child happens to be a little extra independent or stubborn, they might really resist doing chores.

You might have to lower your expectations a bit in the beginning as they adjust to their new responsibilities. Pick the chores that make the biggest impact on your home, and some days be willing to let the others slide.

At the end of the day, a messy room is not the end of the world. You’re building lifelong habits and skills, so it’s ok if it requires a little more time to get them to stick.

Pink flower chore chart

How to Use Chore Charts With Kids

Now that we’ve covered the benefits of using chore charts and how to introduce chores to your kids, let’s talk about how to use chore charts.

It really is as simple as it sounds. Get your printable chore chart schedule and once your child completes a chore, they mark it off the chart.

I doubt you could do it wrong. But here are a few tips that I’ve found to help get the most out of using a chore chart.

Put it somewhere they can easily see it

Make sure the chore chart is somewhere your kids can easily see and reach it themselves. This helps them use the chart more independently.

Add pictures of the chores

Especially for young kids, adding pictures helps them be able to use the chart all by themselves. I’ve even found with older kids, however, that pictures just help make the chart more fun.

It also serves as a better visual reminder of what needs to be done each day.

Dinosaur weekly chore chart with chores listed and pictures next to each chore.
Customizable Weekly Chore Chart

Check-in with their chart daily

It can be really easy for everyone to get caught up in the day-to-day stuff and forget about the chore chart completely. Make sure that you and your child check in with the chart every day.

Even if they don’t have any chores to do that day, it helps really cement that habit of checking what chores need to be taken care of.

Make it fun

As with teaching your child anything, the more fun you make it, the better! Sing songs, make a game of who can finish their chores the fastest, put some fun music on while everyone is cleaning, etc.

The more positive you make the experience, the more willing your children will be to participate.

Add rewards for a job well done

If it fits in with your parenting style, don’t be afraid to add some rewards for completing their chores.

It can be something as simple as we can’t watch TV until our chores are done. Or getting a special toy from the store if they complete all their chores that week.

It just depends on how you like to parent and how much motivation your child needs to do their chores.

What about chores and allowance?

Some families like to tie their child’s allowance to their chores. This can be a good way to introduce your child to what it’ll be like when they grow up and get a job.

You can encourage them to pay for extra things with their own money and have a certain amount of money they earn for how many chores they complete.

I think this works best for older children, about 8 years old and older. When they’re younger than that, it’s more important for them to learn a sense of responsibility and how to pick up after themselves.

Once they have that and they get old enough to learn to manage the money they would earn from chores, you can start adding in allowance as a reward.

Blue truck chore chart for kids

Chore Charts for Kids

Now that we’ve covered all the benefits of using chore charts for kids, here are a few you can grab.

Weekly Chore Chart for 2 Kids

Chore chart for 2 kids

Weekly Chore Chart for 3 Kids

Weekly Chore chart for 3 kids.

Weekly Chore Chart for 4 Kids

Customizable Morning Routine Chart

Blue morning routine chore chart for kids

Customizable Bedtime Routine Chart

Purple bedtime routine chore chart for kids

Customizable Weekly Chore Chart

Star chore chart for the week with chores listed and pictures of each chore.

Conclusion to 9 Benefits of Using Chore Charts for Kids

I hope this has given a good understanding of the great benefits of using chore charts with your kids. It’s of course possible to have your kid do chores without one, but, trust me, it’s way easier doing with one. 😂

Do you use chore charts with your kids? What are some of the benefits that you’ve seen? I’d love to hear from you in the comments below or email me at admin@atouchofhomeschooling.com Follow me on Pinterest for more parenting tips and advice.

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Brother and sister cleaning the counter. Text says: 9 Benefits of Using Chore Charts for Kids

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