Nervous about teaching math at home? Here are over 15 tips for homeschooling math to help make the process easier and more enjoyable for everyone!
Math, as a subject, doesn’t have a great reputation. For plenty of parents when they were going through school it was their least favorite subject.
If that was the case for you, then the idea of teaching math to your child might feel a little overwhelming. Especially if it doesn’t seem like math is going to be their best subject either.
And math, being one of the core subjects for kids, isn’t something that you can just let slide while homeschooling and hope they’ll figure it out later…
Luckily, teaching math at home doesn’t have to be hard or intimidating. Here are some tips for homeschooling math that will help make mastering the subject easier and more enjoyable for you and your child.
I was compensated for my time reviewing CTCMath and writing this post. This post reflects my personal opinion about the information provided.
15+ Tips for Homeschooling Math
1.) Find a math curriculum you love
My very first tip for homeschooling math is to find a curriculum that you love. You want to pick something that lines up with how your kids learn and works well with your homeschooling philosophy.
Choosing the right homeschool math curriculum can make or break your child’s math experience. Even if you do everything else right, they can still struggle.
For example, with my middle child, we struggled with math for the first couple of years. I would sit down every day and work hard to make it fun and engaging for her.
Just for her to get distracted at the drop of a hat. Then we would have to redo lessons over and over because it wasn’t sticking. We tried the curriculum her older sister used and others that were highly recommended, but she just wasn’t making steady progress.
Finally, we stumbled upon CTCMath and that ended up being the perfect curriculum for her. The video lessons were exactly what she needed.
After we found a curriculum that worked for her, it’s been smooth sailing since. I also started using CTCMath with my son and he’s been excelling with it as well.
So if you’re struggling with homeschooling math, my first suggestion is always to take a look at your math program and check if it’s a good fit for your child.
Try out an online curriculum
If you’re worried about teaching math to your child because you aren’t so great at it, I highly recommend trying an online math curriculum specifically. One of the reasons that CTCMath was such a good fit for my daughter is that it simplified the teaching process for both of us.
She could log on and quickly do her work and I didn’t get frustrated when she didn’t focus. I also no longer had to worry about grading.
The other great thing about an online curriculum is that it eliminates the need for you to try and figure out how to explain math concepts or work through complicated problems. All of the hard work is taken care of for you!
Actively teaching your child is great, but if it becomes a source of friction instead of joy, don’t be afraid to outsource certain subjects online.
2.) Assess where your child is at
Next on the list of tips for homeschooling math is to assess where your child is at. A lot of curriculum will just start where they should be at the beginning of the year, without taking into consideration what they’ve actually learned the year before.
Your child might be a couple of grades ahead in math and need something more challenging or they could be behind and need some extra help to catch up. And many children struggle when presented with lessons that are too easy or too difficult.
By assessing where your child is at it will make sure you start homeschooling math off on the right foot.
Depending on the curriculum you use, this assessment might be built in or you might have to do it yourself. With CTCMath, they have diagnostic tests that help me pinpoint which lessons my kids need to focus on.
If your curriculum doesn’t offer that, try a program like IXL where you can look through the learning standards for free and asses what your child has already learned.
3.) Don’t stress about grade levels
My next tip for homeschooling math is to not stress about grade levels. In a traditional school, it’s all about keeping up with the grade level standards and making sure that your child stays on track.
But if you’re homeschooling, there’s no need to worry so much about what grade your child should be in. Instead of worrying about what everyone else is doing, focus on helping your child build a strong foundation in math.
You can take the time to go over concepts they didn’t quite get or introduce new material when they’re ready for it. This approach helps to eliminate the frustration and pressure that can come with keeping up with grade levels.
4.) Focus on one math concept at a time
Next on our list of tips for homeschooling math is to focus on one math concept at a time. Sometimes children struggle with math because it can get overwhelming.
There are so many different concepts to keep track of and it can be easy to get lost. To simplify things try to focus on one math concept at a time.
For example, if you’re working on multiplication, just focus on one set of times tables at a time. Drill them for a while until your child is confident with them and then move on to another.
This helps your child to understand the material better and not get too overwhelmed. At the end of a unit if you feel like your child needs some review or you want to quickly go over previously learned concepts you can.
But for the regular day-to-day lessons, try to focus on one thing at a time.
5.) Make it fun
This one should go without saying, but it’s important enough that I’ll say it anyway. Make math fun!
You don’t want your child to dread math lessons every single day. Look for ways to make the material more interesting and engaging.
You always have the option to play math games and activities that can help keep your child engaged and make the material more enjoyable. This is one of the perks of homeschooling.
For example, around October, you could do Halloween math activities. Or you could do some fun Star Wars math.
And don’t think older kids can’t get in on the fun too. There are plenty of math games for teens too.
You don’t have to be stuck doing boring lessons that nobody enjoys. Feel free to mix things up with your math options and make it fun!
6.) Lots of positive reinforcement
I think this is important to do for every subject, but it can be especially helpful with math. Kids thrive off positive reinforcement.
Every time they get that feedback that they’re doing well, it encourages them to keep working hard and to not give up. Depending on the type of curriculum you have, this type of reinforcement might be built in.
CTCMath, for example, lets children earn stars for answering problems correctly as they work on mastering the lesson. They also have showers of confetti at the end of a lesson depending on how many questions the student gets right.
It seems like a small thing, but my son talks about it every single lesson. He looks forward to earning his stars and confetti and it’s a big source of motivation for him as he works on his math.
You can of course use other forms of positive reinforcement such as verbal praise or setting up a reward system for when they complete certain tasks. Whatever works best for your child!
Just be sure to let them know that you appreciate the effort they’re putting in and how proud you are of their progress.
7.) Keep your math lessons short
Another tip to help make homeschooling math smoother and more enjoyable for you and your child is to keep your math lessons short. Math is a subject that requires a lot of concentration and it can be easy to get frustrated if the lesson is going on for too long.
By keeping your lessons short, you’re helping your child stay focused and engaged while also avoiding burnout. Fifteen minutes is usually enough time for most children to work through problems and master new concepts.
If they need more time, try breaking the lesson up into 15-minute blocks throughout the day. Or even just do 15 minutes, take a 5-10 minute break, and then come back for more work.
It’s more important to approach your lessons with a fresh mind and positive mindset than to push through and try to get it all done in one sitting.
8.) Try a multisensory approach
Next on our list of tips for homeschooling math is to try a multisensory approach. This means using more than just worksheets and books to teach the material.
Involve other senses such as touch, sound, sight, and movement. For example, you could use objects such as counters or coins to work through math problems rather than writing everything down on paper.
You can also use music or movement activities such as dancing or jumping jacks to reinforce concepts. You can even use drawing activities to help your child visualize the material better.
Children often have varied learning styles and the traditional math books and worksheets aren’t a good fit for everyone. Some children need more visualization or even hands-on practice before a concept clicks.
By using different teaching methods, you can help your child find their own unique path to success.
Related posts:
- CTCMath Homeschool Review: A Top Online Math Program
- Number Tracing 1-20 PDF – Free Printable Worksheets
9.) Have math manipulatives on hand
Next on our list of tips for homeschooling math is to have math manipulatives on hand. As I mentioned before, kids benefit from a multisensory approach to learning math.
So having manipulatives like blocks, beads, or dice can help them get a better understanding of what they’re learning. Manipulatives are also great for visual learners who need to see how the different pieces fit together and work in a problem.
These manipulatives can be used to explain concepts such as fractions, geometry, and probability. Or they can be used to help children practice addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Math manipulatives are a great tool for homeschooling math because not only do they make the lessons more interesting and engaging but they also provide a hands-on approach that makes it easier for children to understand the material.
10.) Try math videos
Another way to help your child master math at home is to use videos to teach math. As I mentioned before, this was a game-changer for my family.
When we started using CTCMath, the video lessons were exactly what my daughter needed. She’s a very visual learner, so having the concepts explained in a video was so much more helpful for her than listening to me explain it or doing worksheets.
All of a sudden math was easily clicking for her and it’s been smooth sailing for her since!
If you’re not interested in an online curriculum or you just need the occasional help with videos, try YouTube or Khan Academy. They’re free resources that offer video demonstrations for math concepts that oftentimes can be easier to understand than words alone.
11.) Don’t rush
One of the most important tips for homeschooling math is to not rush. Math is a complex subject and it takes time for children to master the material.
You shouldn’t expect your child to understand everything right away or be able to work through problems quickly on their first try. Math requires practice and repetition before any real understanding will occur.
Be patient with your child and don’t rush them. Give them enough time to process the material before you move on. Don’t be afraid to go over concepts multiple times if that’s what it takes for your child to understand.
One year, we decided to redo a year of math because although my oldest daughter had finished the curriculum, she hadn’t processed the material very well yet. We took a few months to go over it again and it was exactly what she needed to really absorb what she was learning.
She’s been making steady progress and excelling at math since then, but I fully believe it was because we didn’t rush ahead when she wasn’t ready. So take your time and focus more on your child fully understanding the lesson rather than moving on as quickly as possible.
Doing this will go a long way in helping your child master math and avoid frustration later down the road.
12.) Skip the busy work
Next on the list of tips for homeschooling math is to skip the busy work. Remember those worksheets that teachers would hand out to kids who had finished their lessons early?
It was usually practice problems that were similar to what they had already worked on. Yeah, with homeschooling you don’t have to worry about those.
If your child has fully understood the concept and you’re only halfway through the practice problems, you can either move on to the next lesson or review some problems from earlier lessons.
The goal should be mastery, not just trying to get through all the problems in the curriculum. So skip any unnecessary practice and focus on having your child really understand the material.
Busy work can be counterproductive if it’s not helping your child master the lesson. Better to keep your child engaged and learning rather than making sure you get through every single practice problem.
13.) Incorporate math into other subjects
A great way to make math more enjoyable for your child is to incorporate it into other subjects. Math doesn’t have to be taught in isolation. You can use math activities and games while teaching history, science, or reading.
For example, you could ask your child to calculate the age of a historical figure when something important happened in their life or look at graphs or charts related to a science lesson.
Math can even be used while teaching reading, by having your child calculate the number of words in each book or how many pages they’ve read.
By incorporating math into other subjects, you’re helping your child see the relevance of math and make it more engaging for them. Plus, it’s an easy way to sneak in a bit of extra math practice.
14.) Explore real-world math
Another way to teach homeschool math and help make it more meaningful and relevant is to use real-world math. Real-world math is using math the way we do in everyday life.
It could involve taking a field trip to the grocery store, counting money, measuring ingredients for baking, or estimating how many people can fit into your car when you go out.
Real-world math is an important part of teaching math because it helps children understand how math applies to our lives outside of education. The more they can see the relevance of what they’re learning, the easier it will be for them to understand and remember it.
Plus, real-world math activities are a great way to make math lessons more fun and interesting for your child. So don’t be afraid to explore some outside-the-box math activities.
One of my favorite resources is this list of 20 examples of algebra in everyday life.
15.) Embrace a positive mindset around math
I mentioned this before, but it’s worth talking about more in-depth. In order for your child to master math, it’s important that they have a positive mindset around learning it.
So many children struggle with math because they think it’s hard or that they’re bad at it. If your child has spent time in public school, then this attitude might have been reinforced by their peers or teachers.
It’s up to you as the parent to turn this around and help your child develop a positive mindset when it comes to learning math. Celebrate their successes, encourage them when they’re struggling, and remind them that everyone learns at different rates.
A lot of the tips for homeschooling math on this list are geared to helping promote that positive mindset. When math becomes a time to sit down, learn, and have fun without the pressure or fear of not doing well, then your child can relax and help learning take place more naturally.
So work on showing them that it’s ok if they don’t understand something right away and that math is not about being perfect but rather progress. Taking this positive approach to math will go a long way in helping your child succeed.
16.) Incorporate memorization
Our last tip for homeschooling math is to incorporate memorization. Memorizing math facts and equations can be tedious but it’s also necessary in order to really master math.
When children have basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts committed to memory, it makes learning more advanced concepts much easier because they don’t have to spend time constantly referencing back to the basics.
This becomes even more important when they start working on problem-solving, mental math, and higher-level math skills.
You can incorporate memorization practice into your lessons by having your child recite the facts or equations out loud as you go over them and then writing them down a few times.
You could also make up games like Math Jeopardy, where kids have to recall the facts they’ve learned for points. And don’t forget flashcards! Showing your child that memorization can be fun will go a long way in helping them retain the material.
FAQs About Tips for Homeschooling Math
Here are some frequently asked questions about how to master math at home:
How do homeschoolers learn math?
Homeschoolers learn math the same way any other student does – through practice, repetition, and a positive mindset. Homeschooling offers more flexibility in terms of how you approach math lessons so parents can focus on what works best for their child.
This might mean breaking down concepts more slowly or incorporating real-world activities into the lesson. As long as your child is mastering the material, homeschooling provides an ideal environment for learning math.
How can I help my child with math at home?
The best way to help your child with math at home is to be positive and encouraging. Celebrate their successes, take a break when necessary, and don’t forget to have fun!
You can also incorporate flashcards or math games into the lesson to make it more engaging for your child and use real-world activities to show them how math applies in everyday life.
I would also strongly recommend figuring out your child’s learning style. Once you know how they learn best, you can find a homeschool curriculum or lesson plan that is tailored to their needs.
What are the benefits of homeschooling math?
Homeschooling gives parents more control over how their child learns math and allows them to tailor the lessons to their child’s needs. It also provides an environment free from peer pressure, which can make it easier for children to focus on mastering the material.
Finally, homeschooling gives parents the opportunity to explore real-world math activities that can help their child understand how math applies in everyday life. This makes math more meaningful and relevant, which can help boost their understanding of the material.
What is the best way to teach math?
The best way to teach math depends on the individual student and their needs. Some students may do better with more traditional methods such as practice problems and memorization, while others might need to focus on conceptual understanding first or incorporate more real-world activities into the lesson.
The most important thing is to find a method that works best for your child and helps them master the material in a way that is meaningful and enjoyable. With some experimentation, you can find what works best for your student!
How to homeschool math without a curriculum?
Homeschooling math without a curriculum is totally possible. It does require more work and preparation on the part of the parent, but it can be done!
Start by researching what topics your child needs to learn for their grade level and then find activities or resources that cover those topics. This could include online lessons, textbooks, videos, apps, worksheets, and more.
You can also look for real-world math activities that might be relevant to your student’s interests or age group. This could include playing board games, counting money, measuring ingredients when cooking, and so on.
Once you have the necessary resources, create a lesson plan that incorporates these activities into a specific time frame with clear goals. This will give your child structure and a sense of purpose as they work through the material.
Reviewing what has been learned is also important, so plan to go over the concepts and problems from time to time. This might include asking questions or having your student explain their approach to a specific problem.
Conclusion to 15+ Quick Tips for Homeschooling Math
With these tips for homeschooling math, I hope you feel more confident about tackling this subject with your children. Math doesn’t have to be daunting or intimidating if it’s taught in the right way.
By following these tips, you can make sure your child has an enjoyable learning experience.
What are your best tips for homeschooling math? Let us know in the comments or email me at
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Candice is a mom of 3 who has been homeschooling since 2013. She has an A.A.S. in Early Childhood Studies and cares deeply about helping other parents get the information and resources they need to help them homeschool their children with confidence.